Terahurts 3D

Hannah & Lauren

Two new Cults3D characters for your enjoyment. Hannah’s Models Lauren’s Models

Meet Anni.

Meet my new character, Anni. Normally, when I create a new character, I have at least a basic backstory in mind for them before I start working on their appearance. In Anni’s case, it was the other way around and I’m still not sure what either her backstory or kinks of choice are. All I…

Cults3D Discount Code

As a thank you for visiting my blog, use the code BLOG10 for a 10% discount on all my models.

From A Photograph.

While going through some old hard drives recently, I came across a set of photos of my then-girlfriend-now-wife taken when we were active in the swinger lifestyle. One of them, the one I’ve reproduced below, was a particular favourite both of ours. We used it in our profile on various swinger sites and it was…


A year or two ago one of my Cults followers got in touch with me regarding some ideas for a couple of my models. To cut a long story short, she shared some of my tastes and kinks and came up with several ideas for new models and scenarios for them. She’s also a published…

Caught in the Act.

I’ve mentioned before that I started writing some erotic fiction and this is essentially the scene that inspired it. It’s also the first time I used my ‘Janet’ and ‘Adam’ characters. For context, Adam is Janet’s lodger (in case that doesn’t translate well, he rents a room from her) and Janet has just walked in…

Character Sheet – Janet

Age: Mid-30’s Main relationship(s): Adam, Lisa, Simon Bisexual Scale : 10 Kinks\Fetishes: Anal, BDSM, Watersports, Swinging, Cuckolding, Cuck-Queen. Character Bio: When we first meet Janet she is a somewhat frumpy divorcee who lives on the outskirts of a small town near the Lincolnshire coast and is renting her spare room to Adam, a younger man.…

An Average Tuesday

Have you ever hear the phrase ‘But for me… it was Tuesday’? The idea for this render came from there; if you and your friends spend your free time fucking each other, what would a normal day be like? This was the answer. Rendered in Blender.


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